Off to Portland!

by ajamess on 11.Nov.10

in Daily Life,Photos

At 9 tomorrow, I'll be on my way down through the Columbia river gorge and on through to Portland with my Mom, Haley, and Jacque.  We haven't planned much outside of a night or two in the city and some excursions about the coast, so it'll be nice to relax and play things by ear.  Hopefully we get to some of the beaches / falls, so I can try out some UWA shots with the newfound glory of the 16-35 on a full frame body.  If not, I'll be bringing my tripod with me and hopefully catching some night shots of the city.  Oh, and Powell's Books.  And Voodoo Doughnut.  And maybe that bamboo bike company Andy and Matt found.

Anyway, here are some shots from tonight.  I've got to get packing.

Chip at his Computer



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