
by ajamess on 10.Nov.10

in Photo Gear,Photos

So, I just received the 35/1.4  in the mail this evening.  Oh my…how delicious it is.  Such a nice focal length on full frame, and can blow out the background like no-one's business.  I've only taken a few cat shots and the like so far, but I have a good feeling about this lens.  I must say, the kit is getting solid…although I am missing a macro lens and long tele…but those will come with time.  The nice thing about the 35/1.4 is it actually enables me to take shots that would not be possible _at all_ with the lenses I already have.  So, as much as I sound like a gear whore right now, I'm pretty happy about my purchase.  Here are a couple shots I got off before the sun set.




Honestly, the reason I bought this lens now rather than waiting until spring / summer when shooting will ramp up is that buying now means I get to geek out with it over the holidays with my family.  Super excited for that alone. 

Best of everything to you.

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